Cousin Kensie is in town for Halloween and her birthday and Cameron wanted her to come along. Good thing I had a coupon for buy one get one because neither of them finished their ice cream.
This is a video from Cameron's soccer game on Saturday. I love watching him play!
Uncle Mike is the one with the ball...they did great and I'm impressed with Mike's skill. They won both games today!
The only down fall of the day is I saw too much butt crack--its gross!
This has been a great weekend!!! Cameron thought soccer in the water was soooo cool!!!!
Then I jumped back into reality and realized it was probably another WHOPPER!!!! I got him to fess up again when I said I was going to call the teacher as soon as I was done in the bathroom. There was a third lie (reason for the triple Whopper picture) but I can't recall what it is. Another chance for a parenting moment...I made him pinkie swear he would tell the truth and then I told him the story of the boy who cried wolf--his only comment was, "I like that story can you tell it again."
I mentioned a few days ago that my brother and son are EXACTLY ALIKE!!!! Keith use to make up the most bizarre stories as a child...he had an active imagination. I think Teri started this--we would always ask him after he was done telling a story, "Keith truth or story?"