Here is my finished room that I don't think I ever took a picture of!

Off to spend 6 days in the hot sun and swim, ski, rock jump, lounge and maybe start the book the Host that I borrowed 6 months ago!
Here is my finished room that I don't think I ever took a picture of!
Off to spend 6 days in the hot sun and swim, ski, rock jump, lounge and maybe start the book the Host that I borrowed 6 months ago!
Here is my room....the dark wall still needs another coat!
I'm really proud of myself that I'm actually budgeting....every night I sit down and calculate exactly where I'm at. I now understand how people on those design shows go waaay over their budget.....not hard to do! My paint is up over $450 and I still have to buy one more gallon at least!
Here is today's hearth adventure story:
Mandy: Excuse me sir do you have any faux stone?
HD Guy 1: Faux stone? (yelling loudly to another employee) Do we carry faux stone?
HD Guy 2: What?
HD Guy 1: Faux stone!
HD Guy 2: Faux stone?
HD Guy 1: Yea, faux stone!
Vicki: (is dieing of embarrassment and she said she blushed. I think I saw her try and hide in the tile)
I'm not really sure how long this went on but it did feel like forever....finally HD Guy #2 came over to help.
HD Guy 2: No, we don't carry any faux stone but you might want to try Stone Mountain.
Mandy: Is that by the Super Mall?
HD Guy 2: Yea, Faux Mountain....I mean Stone Mountain is across the street!
Long story short, stone is very expensive ($28 for an 18x18 piece) and I never found any faux stone (does it even exist?). Vicki helped me pick out this gorgeous tile ($18 for all 5 pieces). What do you think?
Tomorrow's tasks: Ceilings will be textured and Vicki and I are shopping! I think the best thing right now is I get to spend time with my sister....Teri I sure do miss you in this process but thanks for picking up the phone every time I call!!!!!