Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hippity Hoppity

I asked Cameron this morning if he knew the true meaning of Easter and to my surprise he knows. He said, "Mom, I know but do you know what happened on Good Friday?" Although the holidays like Christmas and Easter are so much fun it has always bothered me that I focus more on the commercial stuff and not enough on the  'true meaning.'  It's reassuring after his Good Friday comment and the conversation that followed that I'm doing something right.

Yesterday we spent the day with friends and went to an egg hunt in Milton. Cameron got his face painted. It's amazing to me as he grows up the more things he's willing to try. A few years ago there is no way!

Here are Cameron's friends Donnie and Lauren!

Getting ready to go find some eggs

I like to bake....sometimes! The problem is I pick and I pick and I pick. So needless to say having the crap around me is not a good idea. But I offered to bring dessert to my mom's and found a couple of recipes to try.

These are Rice Chex Krispy Bunny Pops with white chocolate. They are so cute and so easy to make. I found the cookie cutter at Joanne's and it was 40% off....bonus!

My friend Nancy is a HUGE cupcake fan. Every time I see a cupcake I think of her. I found a blog that has some real fun cupcakes and so I decided to try Red Velvet cupcakes with peppermint white chocolate cream cheese frosting. I forgot to add the cup of mini chocolate chips and so I just sprinkled some big ones on top.

I really want to try these cupcakes sometime but they look hard....Martha Stewart's Chick Cupcakes.

On Friday my mom decorated eggs with Cameron. Thank goodness because I don't like to do it! I don't eat hard boiled eggs -yuck- and so decorating seems like a big waste of time. Plus look how cute they made their eggs.

It seems my pictures are a little out of order. We are now on today. Here are the carrots Cameron left out for the bunny.

The basket

He's going to be sooooo excited!

Time to hunt for eggs

Real and Fake!

Happy Easter.....his face looks funny the face paint yesterday didn't come completely off.

We've had a great day so far. General Conference is on, dinner with the family and I have the next 2 days off so life is good!!!

Stay tuned my brother in law is deep frying a turkey for dinner.

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