Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I can see
A friend in my ward (who will rename nameless) stopped by on Saturday to check on us and I asked for their mechanic's brakes were a little squeaky and I just wanted my car checked out. I've had that car for almost 2 years and besides the oil changes I've maybe put $100 into it and that was just for brakes.
Tuesday morning we switched cars and I headed off to work. I have my tax return $$ that I was ready to spend on repairs but didn't really want to (I want to buy a bike and a bike rack so Cameron and I can go play) I was nervous about what needed to be done but happy I had some money to pay for it. I received a phone call later that day and was chastised (nicely) about my lack of maintenance with oil changes, low fluids and cheap brake pads....the mileage was over but in my head I still had 7 days before the date was! I was then told that I was to ask no questions when my car was returned. I knew at that point that I was not to mention $$ or offer to pay.
I called Teri right away and she reminded me I need to do something nice for someone. Then I called Vicki and said "their car is almost on empty should I fill it up?" She said that would be real nice. To make a very long story as short as possible, I had a date with my mom out in Yelm last night and so I left the borrowed car and the keys in the planned location. I received a call last night and was told that I got an oil change, my car was all checked out and looks great, my cheap brake pads will squeak and will need to be replaced in 5-10 thousand miles, and there was a part on my back brakes that was not functioning properly and was repaired. Then they said to me, "so I see you filled my tank!" I replied, "yes, I had to get you back somehow," and then they said, "well, I got you even better....I replaced your windshield!"
I'm in tears writing this and still in shock???? My windshield has been cracked since they day I bought it. It was cracked from one side all the way to the other on the top and the bottom. I just got use to driving it that way and always had intentions to replace but never took the time. You should see how beautiful is shines right now and how clear my view is!
I don't even know what to say................I'm at a loss of words! I just want to thank my friend! I don't think I can ever express how their friendship, love and compassion truly has touched me today. It's given me a new perspective on some things in my life that I need to change. I believe God works through other people sometimes especially when your not listening!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Need some input....

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
God Grant me the Serenity

Spring is in the air

I smell cookies

I have a very good friend Nancy who I absolutely adore!!! She loves me unconditionally and puts up with all my rants, raves and obnoxious stories. So grateful our sons we're in preschool together and we met. I always have sooo much fun with her. We took the kids to the circus last weekend and had a blast....still need to post you can see I'm a little behind. Ok, so back to Nancy she is a domestic goddess, wonderful cook, great mom and a terrific wife. I love when she invites us to dinner because it's always yummy and homemade. She gave me a little present last weekend......
The grass isn't always greener!
C: I wish we lived in a big house.
M: I really like our little house.
C: I wish we had a bigger one.
M: That just means we have more to clean.
C: Oh, never mind I like our little house.
Last night Vicki and my mom came over and helped put up vinyl letters in my kitchen...I can't wait to show you!
Monday, March 22, 2010
No beeps /\/\/\/\----/\/\/\/\/\/\--------------
M: No, it's over on this side.
C: I don't feel a beep (as he continues to try and feel it). YOU'RE DEAD!!!
M: I'm not dead!
C: Well, I can't feel a beep cuz your boobs are in the way!!!!
(Note: the marks in title (---/\/\/\-----) is something Cameron created while playing doctor at the doctor's office on their computer....a heart monitor!!!!)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Spirit Week

The last month has been crazy.....
Bare with me as I blog....

Grandma was in town and I love seeing her....Cameron especially gets excited, "my great grandma is here!"

Friday, March 12, 2010
Spell Checker
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Happy Birthday to me.......

This weekend I'm off to Ocean Shores with a friend for an NA conference....I can't wait to get away!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
He’s Bilingual
M: What are you saying?
C: Please don't poop on our car!!!!!!
On a side note: He told me today that I'm the best mom he's ever had. Well, I'm glad to hear that since I'm the only mom he's ever had! I wonder what he's comparing it too????