Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wheel of Fortune

Ok, so I know this blog is suppose to be about Cameron but I have to share my Wheel of Fortune adventure...I will throw in that when I was about 7 months pregnant I went to the tapping of the game show with my Aunt Sheri and Uncle Mike. I love game shows and Cameron and I love to watch the wheel...he shouts out letters and then gets irritated when they pick a different letter.

My friend Carrie who I've known forever (age 14 was a looooong time ago) invited me to go with a bunch of girls from her ward. We all had matching shirt that said, "A vowel a day keeps consonation away" and we lined up with all the other fanatic wheel watchers-by the way these are cut-outs of Pat & Vanna.

When you get there they hand you a colored application to fill out then you put it in a bin and hope for the best. Unlike Price is Right who pulls people out of the audience because they are spastic or have cute shirts; this game show puts all the applications in a bin or rat cage and pull 5 out at a time to do a mock round. Unfortunately none of us were called...honestly, they are missing out.

Pat is so cute... self picture taking ability SUCKS!!!! Teri (my sister) used one she took of her and David in her wedding announcements--impressive!

and YES Marty (Pat) and Heidi (Vanna) were really that annoying!!! Overall it was a very fun night out with the girls.

1 comment:

Unguren said...

That looks like fun. I have never gone to anything like that. Maybe if you go again they will pick you!