Saturday, October 31, 2009
Ba Humbug
Monday, October 26, 2009
I told you she'd help

I did scoop most of the guts out....Cameron gave it a whirl but decided he didn't like that part.

Happy Halloween everyone!!! Just to let you all know there will not be a trick-or-treating blog post this year. Cameron has been naughty and I took that away from him. Don't judge or think I'm being too harsh I have to follow through with this and it's hurting him as much as it hurts me!
Welcome Home

It felt like forever for her to come up the escalator and then we spotted her......
Cameron tried to be so patient.....he got really angry after we waited for over an hour but then when he saw her he was so excited!!!! He was just as excited to see his Grandma....he has not been away from her for this long ever!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Carving Pumpkins....yuck!

I wanna get a big one

Sooooooo glad Vicki made the plans to head to the patch....we had some good laughs! First, we started off in the maze. It was a werewolf maze and when we were paying Cameron asked the lady if the werewolf were in cages???? She didn't know what to say....I told her we get our $$ back if we don't see any, right? Ok, these corn mazes are HARD!!! We kept getting lost and then a little boy had to use the restroom so we gave up!

Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
It's gunna be hot, hot, hot!