Monday, January 5, 2009

Look what Santa brought me

Cameron has been begging for goggles for months...Santa finally broke down and got him a pair. What a nice guy!!!


Riley Family said...

I enjoyed catching up with your posts. Cameron is a kick in the pants. His comments crack me up!!! Ethan LOVES looking at pictures of Cameron and loved that Cameron has "broken teeth". :)

I'm glad you have had a great time off!! Good luck back at work.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, Hi!!! I just read your comment on my blog (haven't checked it since summer!)It's my "new years resolution" to keep up to date with my blog. I'd love to catch up with you sometime. Cameron seems like such a ham, he must keep you laughing! Love you tons, Tracie

Riley Family said...

Mandi, Hey I just got an OPB sticker in the mail and wondered if you wanted it? I remember forever ago you wanted one for (other peoples business) but I'm not sure if you were still interested in it. I just had to laugh when I got it in the mail, I thought of you right away. Let me know and I'll send it your way. :) Cheers!

amie979 said...

I love the smile!