Saturday, October 30, 2010


First let me remind everyone that last year I grounded Cameron from Halloween....when I think back to last year, it was pre medication and really probably wasn't fair but I had to follow through with the punishment I gave, and I did! So this year not only is Cameron excited but so am I!

Cameron and his BF Garret are Super Mario JUNKIES! They want to play it 24/7 and if they aren't playing the actual thing, then they are talking about it non-stop, or make believing different adventures. So how fitting that Cameron is Luigi this year and you'll never guess who Garret is? (on a side note: Miriam is deep in wedding stuff right now and she still took the time to put C's costume together....thank you Mim)

Cameron's friend Lauren came along for the fun. Her brother Donny was going to join us but he got the flu.

Pretty Witch!

and here they are.......

at the trunk-or-treat there were lots of games and opportunities to get lots of candy

I was so proud of Cameron he never let Lauren's side and introduced her to his friends.

Cameron has some fantastic friends......

fun, fun. fun!!

This weekend we have 4 parties to go to and I actually got a stay tuned!


Suzanne said...

his costume looks great! what a good friend! i can't wait to see pictures of YOUR costume!

Mama Thompson said...

He did such a great job on his pumpkin! And those costumes are fantastic!!!!

Unguren said...

That is a cute costume. Good job to Mim.