Sunday, June 28, 2009

Big Weekend

Cameron and I are enjoying the summer thus far. This week we were able to enjoy the sun, hang out with friends and Vicki had me packing and organizing my crap! All in all it's a good start....
Friday Cameron and I went over to Aunt Erica's house (Jimmy's sister) to meet their Dad who was in from Spokane. It was a very eventful evening; first, we rode the quads. I had heels on so that made it kind of!

Then Andrew and Cameron took it for a spin...

and then it was Cameron's turn!

Next, Cameron jumped on a bike with no training wheels and started riding it...what? I've been begging him for weeks to take those things off and we refused!

he is sooooo proud of himself!

This is Grandpa Henry.....Cameron loves his Grandpas and was so excited to meet his "new" Grandpa!

Here is everyone being goofy.....Andrew (7), Eric (4), Grandpa Henry, Joseph (8) and Cameron (6). Cameron loves playing with his "new" cousins and begs to go over there all the time!

Last but not least on Saturday Cameron lost his tooth.....look at that grin!

I was laying in bed Sunday morning and I heard my mom and Cameron talking:
Cameron: Grandma, the tooth fairy did not come! (at this point I'm kicking myself.....I even checked to make sure I had cash and still forgot!)
Grandma: Maybe the tooth fairy is on vacation. She'll probably come tomorrow night!
Cameron: (now in my room) Mom, the tooth fairy is on vacation that's why she didn't come.
Mom: Yea, that sounds is summer time! (still feeling like a horrible mom)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Field Day

Yesterday was field day....Cameron was so excited that his mom got to come and hang out. He sure looks happy, huh????

Lots of water stations (Teri, when Dallin starts attending school note to self: send him with a change of clothes....he'll get soaked and you know how he'll love that)

This is a very competitive class.....

Cameron got mad at his classmates because his team was losing. He looked at 2 kids and said, "it's your fault we lost because you spilt all the water on your body!!!!" Those 2 kids were soaked from head to toe and kept handing Cameron a bucket with just a couple of drops left!

more water....these balloons would not pop for nothing!

Cameron's 2 best friends Justin and Jacob....these boys are best friends one day and then Cameron's is chocking them out the next...true story they hurt his feelings! He's lucky he did not get suspended!


Pull, pull, pull or tug, tug, tug!!!

Choke the chicken.....I mean catch the chicken! Some of the stations were a little weird! The kindergartens loved them but can you imaging 6th graders playing this game?

This day was full of sensory activities....maybe that's why Cameron slept so well last night :)

Pomp and Circumstance

What an exciting time of year.....I can't believe Cameron graduated from Kindergarten! Where did the year go?

Ms. McKay's Kindergarten Class of 08-09

Cameron receiving his certificate

Look how angelic, sweet, and kind he is.....

Oh, there we that's my Cameron!

Cameron's teacher Ms. McKay! She has been so good with Cameron this year....we are going to miss her lots!

I just love this picture (looks like a GAP kid ad).......don't mind the hair he wanted it all spikey for his big day!

I have other videos to post but want to edit them first. Cameron was chosen to recite a poem with 3 other children. He did a fabulous job!!!!

Cameron, I'm so proud of you and all that you've accomplished this year. You are an amazing little boy! This year you learned how to read, add and subtract, count way past 100, write, draw, you can even color in the lines (this is huge) you learned more about bugs, patterns, music, and best of all you learned how to make good choices! Now, it's summer time and we get to play for 72 days--together......I love you!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Guess what????? They accepted my original offer.................what????? I'm a home am, I am, I am!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm speechless and it takes a lot to get me at this point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now cross your fingers that everything goes ok with the inspection!

Monday, June 8, 2009

The process has begun.......

finally heard back from the bank....................................they countered higher! Stay tuned...not giving up hope yet!


Little difficult to counsel kiddos about not drinking when this thing is staring at you! This is the view from my office window!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

T-ball is officially are some shots from his last game!

Cameron can really hit! I heard the other coach tell his players to watch out he was a "big hitter!!!!!" Now, if we can just get him to pay attention when he is out in the field!

Not really sure what Cameron is doing here....hmmmm??? All I know is he's on second getting ready to run to third. WoW!!!!

Pizza Party!!!!

Cameron receiving his trophy! He thinks this is the best part. These trophy's are super cute!

"Mom, look now I have 2 trophies!"

I told you it was super cute!

Not sure if we'll play again next year. I'm going to totally leave that up to Cameron!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Take me out to the ballgame

Cameron and I went to the Mariner's game on Friday with some friends. We had a great time!
Cameron just had to have cotton candy, "I want to have blue teeth!" I told him he would not like it and I was right!

The seats were way up top but the price was perfect!

This is Cameron's new thing he likes to do....when I asked where he learned it he said, "Duh Mom, Sponge Bob!"

I guess the cotton candy didn't settle well!

A miraculous recovery....this is Donny and Lauren they spent the last hour and a half dancing, trying to get on the big screen! They wanted their 15 seconds of fame...better luck next time!

The Mariner's lost but it was a great game!

Another late night....doesn't take him long to crash!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hot, Hot, Hot

The weather around here is amazing.....right now it's a cool 85! Ok, COOL is not the word I would use but it's better than being COLD! My office is a hot, hot, hot inferno! Luckily, I only have 12 days of school left....but who's counting??? If the weather stays like this all summer I'll be one happy girl! Tuesday my friend Brandi and I went and had lunch....oh dang it, she drives a convertible....I guess she's driving! What a fun day!!!

I was trying to get a pic of the wind blowing my hair....better luck next time!
Hey Brandi, that means we need to do this again!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I love it and can't get enough of it!!!!!!

This is my new addiction!!!!!

Is this how Picasso started out?

The economy is still going to suck in 20 years

Cameron and I went to get his haircut last night. Let me first start off saying that this use to be Steve's hairdresser and she has a crush on him. She is always asking about me about him; if he likes California, is he moving back, how is he doing and to please tell him to come and see her the next time he is in town. She has never once asked anything about Cameron or I. I don't even think she knows are's all about Steve!

Ok...enough about Steve (I told him last night that I could see and feel his EGO all the way over here)! While Cameron was getting his faux hawk (see definition below) here is the conversation that took place:

Cameron: I'm going to be a hair cutter when I grow up.
Cindy: You are!
Cameron: Yea, I'm going to work here.
Cindy: Oh, if this place is still around!

Mom: Cameron tell her you're going to buy the place.
Cameron: I'm going to buy this can work here too!
Cindy: How much you going to pay?

long pause

Mom: Cameron, how much money are you going to give her?

even longer pause

Cameron: 5 cents

Faux Hawk definition according to Urban dictionary: retards that have regular hair and try and gel them to make them into a mohawk. So Steve, what does that say about you?????